Thursday, October 20, 2011

Emotion Typography: Graphic Design

1) What words did you choose?
Hope and Inspired. 
2) What types of lines/colors/shapes/etc. did you use to represent the emotions? Why are they representative of those emotions?
Hope: When I think of hope, I think of something to look forward to or up to. (something better in the future). Thus I made the bottom look like chaos through destructive/blotchy type lines. Then I used upward moving lines to represent the uplifting effect of being hopeful. Thirdly I made the final HOPE huge and the highest point of the picture because hope is not a tangalble thing it is something one is "hopeful" for, thus somewhat "out of reach". Hope is a state of mind, but it is extremely powerful; therefore, I made it completely overarching the picture as a representation of this powerful idea over the chaos of life.

INSPIRED:  For the emotion Inspired I used a circular motion ( like a faris Wheel) because people get inspired from anything around them. I naturally think of a circle because people's ideas and inspirations are circular. People can be inspired by many factors (family, background, friendships, school, ect) thus inspirations are constantly around; never leaving a person's mind. A circle never ends just as inspirations never end for people. 

3) What new tricks or tools did you use when making these designs?
I learned how to use the type path tool, drop shadow, and warp/blend tools. 

4) How can you use this experience of capturing emotion through line types in your future designs?
In future designs, such as quote designs, I will use emotional lines to represent the concept or idea I am trying to convey. 

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